We strive to provide you with the best possible customer service and continue to maximize the efficiency of our facility by increasing the speed and capacity of our receiving and load-out functions. If you prefer direct delivery to your farm but require less than full truckloads, two 37-ton auger trucks and one 25-ton truck are available to haul several different commodities in one load. The ZFS Elevator services:

  • Receives grain year-round
  • Utilize 4.5 million bushels of storage capacity for soybeans, corn and wheat
  • Distillers and ground corn (fine or cracked)
  • Ensure prompt service and the maximum price for your grain
  • Offer custom blending and feed mixing operations
  • Bag shelled corn into 50-pound bags

Our Elevator services also provide a specialty soybean program dedicated to bringing value-added products to your farm. It offers:

  • Soybean seed, corn seed, wheat seed and alfalfa seed
  • Premiums on eligible ZFSelect® and non-GMO soybeans