Our family working for your family

ZFS aerial

Zeeland Farm Services® is a multi-dimensional agri-business company with nearly 75 years of service to the agricultural industry in Michigan, the Midwest and beyond. From its humble beginnings in 1950 as a one-truck produce hauler, ZFS has grown into a recognized leader in the industry, with affiliates specializing in soybean processing, corn processing, grain merchandising, feed ingredients merchandising, agronomy, seed sales, renewable fuels, export, transportation and logistics.

Zeeland Freight Services®

ZFS affiliate Zeeland Freight Services® specializes in hauling bulk freight using dumps, walking floors, hoppers and tankers. We also transport intermodal containers. Zeeland Freight Services also offers a full-service maintenance garage that does everything from major repairs to oil changes, as well as fabrication on trucks and trailers. And, our tanker wash and wash bay can clean your fleet inside and out.

Zeeland Food Services®

ZFS has earned a reputation as a producer of high quality edible oils for the food service and commercial food markets. Under the brand name Zoye®, we offer an extensive line of non-GMO and GMO oils to meet your culinary needs. Zoye oils are processed at our kosher-certified facility, where attention to detail and a focus on quality control are foundations of what we do.

cows feeding on ZFS ingredients

Ingredients Division

The ZFS Ingredients Division can help keep your livestock and poultry healthy, while lowering your costs and maximizing production. Our merchandisers and logistics team monitor the marketplace to find competitively priced feed ingredients delivered where you need them and work to develop a buying strategy that fits your needs.

Grain Division

The Grain Division at ZFS works to increase the demand for your crops by seeking out the best marketing opportunities available and by developing new products and new markets to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our experienced grain merchandising team can review your marketing options to help you maximize profits while minimizing risk.

Elevator Division

The ZFS Elevator Division strives to provide the best customer service possible. We continue to maximize the efficiency of our facility by increasing the speed and capacity of our receiving and loadout functions. The ZFS elevator receives grain year-round and utilizes extensive storage capacity for soybeans, corn and wheat. We also inventory an assortment of feed ingredients and can provide custom blending. The elevator also dispatches three auger trucks to pick up and deliver less-than-full loads.

Export Division

ZFS has been exporting ingredients for human food and animal feed for more than two decades, and it continues to be an integral part of our business. Our Quality Assurance team has developed an Identity Preserved (IP) system to monitor our non-GMO soybeans, soy meal and oil from beginning to end, to ensure our exported products meet our customers’ standards for quality and purity. ZFS exports non-GMO and GMO soybean meal and oil, as well as a variety of human food and animal feed ingredients and grains.

Seed Division

ZFS is a full-service seed dealer dedicated to supplying value-added products, including a selection of non-GMO seed for soybeans, corn, wheat and more. ZFS is proud to offer our own ZFSelect® line of non-GMO and High Oleic non-GMO seed, which are chosen to perform in Michigan’s varied environments and soils. We also work with our seed brand partners to offer organically-certified seed.

ZFS sources a variety of seed brands, and our experienced team can match our products to the climate and growing conditions of your region, which can enhance your ability to produce better yield and higher profits.